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Showing posts from December, 2018

6V Start LED Bulb for Cars Make The Best Choice for Night Driving

Today is the age when technology takes a big leap from analog to digital. 6V start auto LED headlight has many major benefits, because of which it can be ruled out as the best outcome of this "technology shift”. With plenty of good reasons, one can opt for LED bulbs for their vehicles. Let us now take a look at the various advantages of LED lighting. LED lights have longer life span than other halogens One of the prime advantage of 6V start LED bulb is that it is designed to operate for an average of 35,000 hours and sometimes up to 100,000 hours. One can expect bulbs to last you up to longer span of years with normal. They do not burn out over time like halogens or other incandescent. LED bulbs do not lose their brightness, which makes it a top favorite. LED Lighting is Energy Efficient LED lights are the most energy-efficient way of lighting as they have an efficiency of about 80-90%. It means major part of the energy is turned into light rather than heat. In...

Night Driving is Not A Hassle Anymore with Honda Fit Parts

We all know that from the past few years there has been enormous   innovations in lighting which has resulted in more types of headlights available for cars. While one might have the concept of LED lights fit for only homes and businesses, LEDs are increasingly used for car headlights also. The most important advantage of Honda fit LED kits over other halogen lights, is they, have a lifespan of over 15,000 hours which makes them best for car lighting. LED bulbs are the latest advancement in lighting in cars, and they offer a great alternative in replacing the current halogen or standard lights. Major Benefits of LED Lights Energy efficient It is a busted fact that, a standard halogen lamp turns 90% of electricity used into heat, with only 10% of that energy converted into light. LED Lights on the other hand use only 15% of the energy and end up, providing up to 85% of the light output. However, they put off no heat, and this reduces cooling expenses, which can be ...

Yellow LED Fog Lights for Cars are Safer Choice for Late Night Drivers

If one prefers travelling at night or before the sun wakes up, car lightning is one such thing which matters the most. It is here where the LED daytime running lights for car makes some of the important components of this system. The vehicle fog light as its name suggests, acts as a major pointer to its existence as it works under every climatic disturbances that undermine the driver’s vision. Be it any atmospheric condition like storms, blizzards and also difficulties with mist and fog, these lights due to its positioning, serves to illuminate the devices installed on the road, and that has the ability to successfully reflect the projected light. Major Function of The Lights It is the true that yellow LED fog light for cars , has more functions in the darkness and fog. Fog lights are used to illuminate situations where one has less visibility. It helps the driver to see what is in front of the vehicle, as it is when there is fog. These lights are highly efficient because...

LED Headlight Conversion: A Better Choice For Automobiles

LED lights are taking over everywhere including the automobile world, aside from home and commercial lighting. From exclusive and top range car models, LED headlight conversion is a   new found standard option in every vehicle models, as they can successfully replace halogen bulbs which are dimmer and less energy efficient. With LEDs headlights, one gets a brighter lighting, which uses much less power. LED lightings have changed the conventional way of lighting and for a good variety of reasons. The favorable arguments ruled against LED lights are most notably their extended lifespan, reduced energy consumption and low maintenance requirements. As the purchase price of every other lamps and fixtures continues to fall more and more people are looking to upgrade their lighting systems with LEDs. Let us now discuss some of the advantages of LED lighting. Reduced Power Consumption Like every other LED light bulbs, LED headlight conversion are remarkably energy efficien...

Drive Conveniently and Safely with Auto LED Headlight Bulb and Kits

We all know despite the facts and several laws concerning driving, as there are more people on the roads these days, driving has not been safer option. However, with the changing times and conception there is better driver awareness and innovative technology which has subtly helped in making driving less dangerous. For example, car lights have been a huge underlying factor in improving road safety. Not only do these lights help people drive safely at night, they also make the car visible to other drivers.. LED headlight bulb and kits have helped a lot in this aspect. While these lights are the latest advancement in lighting in cars, and they offer a great alternative in replacing the current halogen or standard lights. Advantages   of Using LED Lights Energy efficient It is an already known fact that, a standard halogen lamp turns 90% of electricity used into heat, with only 10% of that energy converted into light. LED Lights on the other hand use only 15% of the e...